Frequently Asked Questions
Buying Southern Motion
Southern Motion does not currently sell directly to consumers. Our products may be purchased from Southern Motion authorized retailers and specific online retailers.
Southern Motion does not establish retail price points for our products. The Southern Motion authorized retailer determines their own advertised, quoted and printed pricing.
Yes. Southern Motion is constantly adding and removing products to keep the website as up to date as possible.
You can find a retailer in your area by using our retail store locator here. You can also search for Southern Motion furniture online
Our retailers often use Southern Motion furniture on their websites. Search for Southern Motion furniture online.
All product information is available on
Southern Motion offers a variety of fabric types, colors, and patterns, as well as top of the line leathers. Contact your local retailer for more information.
Replacement parts and accessories can be ordered by your retailer. They will need the product serial number.
Your Southern Motion authorized retailer will have fabric swatches available for you to view.
We cannot access the inventory of our authorized Southern Motion retailers, but your local retailer should be happy to locate the piece you are looking for.
Please contact your local retailer for the fastest service.
Warranty & Repairs
Most of the problems we see regarding power reclining furniture to partially work, or stop working are usually related to wiring and/or connection problems and not the switches, motors, or other major components. Our motor assemblies are very stable, and rarely go bad by themselves.
Here are a few things you might check before contacting your retailer:
If you can confirm that you have power at the outlet, but the recliner does not operate correctly when plugged in, you may just have a wire/plug that has been damaged, come loose or unplugged.
Roll the recliner over onto the floor, so you can look underneath. If the footrest is stuck open, carefully roll the unit so you protect the ottoman from damage. Check all the wiring, looking for any breaks in the coating (bare wires) and smashed or damaged areas. Unplug and re-connect all connections to make sure they are tight.
Tip: Always make sure the electrical cords are routed so they cannot get caught in the reclining mechanism or base unit, or underneath the floor base.
If all the wires appear to be connected properly, the issue may be due to the transformer, controls (wand, switch, buttons), or lastly the motor itself. The usual culprit is loose connections, but it is also possible a power surge damaged the transformer.
The green light may be on, but the transformer could still be defective.
To check the Transformer –
- Disconnect the transformer from the furniture and plug it into the power outlet.
- Set your multimeter to the DC VOLTS setting to read the power output of the transformer.
- If your meter reads from 26-38 volts, then the transformer is ok.
- If there is no such reading, then the transformer may be bad and needs to be replaced.
To check the Motor –
- Unplug the chair from the power source.
- At the motor, disconnect the small two-prong cord.
- Set your multimeter to the OHMS setting.
- Place one lead on each pin coming from the motor.
- If less than one (1) ohm is read on the meter, the motor may need to be replaced.
(PS: we do recommend a surge protector to help reduce electrical spikes during storms, etc.)
Hopefully the above might resolve the issue, but if not, it would be difficult for us to further diagnose from here at the factory (we’re in Mississippi) so we do rely on our Southern Motion retailers to provide all after-sale customer service. If your retailer is not able to assist, there may be a local furniture repair company in your area that might be of service. Most can be located in the yellow pages or by simple web-search.
A competent furniture service tech should be able to determine the cause of the issue and if there are defective components causing the recliner to not operate correctly, and what specific replacement parts are needed to correct. Your retailer can provide warrantied parts. Your recliner’s 7 digit serial number will be required for all parts orders.
(Note: Our Southern Motion retailers provide all after-sale customer service and we do not have a consumer response department here at the factory able to facilitate repairs or issue local service requests.)
It will be important to identify the cause of the issue to prevent additional damage. An inspection will be needed to determine if the metal mechanism or frame is damaged or broken, scissor mechanism is bent or broken, T-bar disconnected or bent, fork end on lift tube is broken, or other issues exist. Please contact your retailer for service assistance.
Southern Motion product tags are found on the underside of the furniture, usually underneath the footrest.
You can view our warranty information by clicking here.
The warranty is valid only to the original purchaser if sold by an authorized Southern Motion retailer. Product sold “as is” does not carry a factory warranty.
Please contact your Southern Motion retailer immediately for resolution.
Southern Motion does not offer a factory extended warranty. However, many of our retailers do offer an extended store warranty. Contact your retailer to inquire about extended warranties and how they work.
Your local Southern Motion retailer can check the availability of your upholstery and place an order for you.
Contact the Southern Motion retailer where your furniture was purchased as soon as possible. Report any defects along with proof of purchase.
Your retailer will determine if the needed repair is covered under the warranty and make arrangements for you.
Replacement parts are available to order from the retailer from whom you purchased your furniture. In the event the retailer is no longer able to provide parts, you can use the “Contact Us” link on our website.
You can contact any Southern Motion authorized retailer for warranty assistance. Please be prepared to provide your original purchase receipt.
Southern Motion does not offer arm caps or headrest covers at this time.
Southern Motion does not manufacture or sell slipcovers for our furniture. We suggest you contact your local department store or online companies whose products might be of help
Most all seat cores (from any manufacturer) are designed to initially sit a bit “firm” when new, and they will lose approximately 20% of their compression usually within the first 90 days of use, under normal periodic use. It is similar to when we purchase a new bed or bed pillow, as they will soften with age and use. Our reclining furniture features foam seat cores manufactured from 1.8lb density, 30 lb. compression closed-cell polyurethane foam which is a standard in the recliner and motion furniture industry. (2.0lb. 32# for lift chairs) Foam cushions may over time lose some of their firmness or compression, much as any foam or pillow type product would under normal periodic home use and circumstances. Some minimal compression loss and is normal. If you have questions regarding your situation, please contact your retailer for guidance.
If your retailer is not able to provide service, you may want to contact a local third party furniture repair company in your area. Most can be located in the yellow pages or by simple web-search. Southern Motion does not maintain a listing of third party repair companies all across the country and is unable to facilitate home repairs or issue local service requests.
Southern Motion will honor reasonable and customary labor charges for a period of one year from the original date of sale for the purpose of repair or replacing warranty parts. Warranty service should be performed by your authorized Southern Motion dealer. Please review the Southern Motion Warranty for more information.
“Pilling” refers to those little fuzz balls that collect on the surface of many woven and knit fabrics. It occurs when loose fiber ends escape from their yarn or thread twist. As fabrics experience abrasion through normal wear and use, these loose ends get bound together. Due to the strength of most fabric fibers, these pills are unable to break away from the fabric itself and collect on the surface of the fabric. This is normal and should be expected with some fabrics.
You first need to contact your local Southern Motion dealer to answer your concerns. If your inquiry was not satisfied, your dealer can contact the factory for additional information.
Accessories are available to be ordered through our authorized retailers. They will need the serial number of your piece of furniture to order. They will also be able to provide the cost and shipping details.
Southern Motion does not offer re-upholstery services, nor provide recommendations of local providers.
You can contact your local retailer for information or assistance in ordering repair parts.
Operation, Care, & Cleaning
The cleaning of covers will depend on the type of fabric or leather. Contact your retailer for details about your specific cover. You may also want to inquire about a professional cleaning service for types of cleaners that will not harm your fabric.
Southern Motion does not offer re-upholstery services, nor do we provide recommendations of local providers. Please contact your local retailer for assistance.
Pilling is characteristic of many fabrics and is caused by excess fiber coming off the fabric surface. This excess fiber forms small balls or “pills” on the fabric.
The best way to remove pilling is with a furniture or sweater shaver.
*Pilling is not warranted by Southern Motion and is a normal characteristic of many fabrics. It is not considered a defect.
Select one of the following information sheets.
For further assistance contact your Southern Motion retailer.
Your Southern Motion authorized retailer will have a thorough knowledge of the types of covers offered. They will be happy to assist you in choosing a fabric that will be a perfect fit for your home.
Southern Motion does not supply leather “touch up kits” directly from the factory, or promote any specific brand or supplier. There are many products available in the marketplace that may help with the cleaning and minor restoration of leather or vinyl cover issues.
Normal home use may result in static electricity which may attract a small amount of dust/dander to accumulate on the oil bearings, grommets, and rivets used in the metal mechanism. This buildup of dust and oil may eventually turn into a “grease” type of mark that may drop off on your carpet if not cleaned regularly. Periodic carpet cleaning under the furniture will prevent such a buildup. You may also want to wipe off any excess oil that may collect on lower parts of the mechanism.
Order Status
Southern Motion furniture is made in the USA! For more information about our company, see the About Us page.
All contact or inquiries regarding your furniture purchase should be through your retailer.
Delivery times may vary. Contact your retailer for details.
We suggest you verify your retailer’s return policies prior to your purchase. Any exchanges must be handled by your retailer.
Dimensions for all our products can be found at your local retailer, as well as on the “Products” page of the Southern Motion website.
Contact the retailer from which you purchased the item(s) as soon as possible.
Find a Retailer
Independent retailers display differing selections of Southern Motion furniture. Southern Motion is represented by many independent retailers throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico.